To Sara's dear friends and family-
As you know, Sara continues to undergo treatment for ovarian cancer. Though we are encouraged by recent test results, she still has a long road of treatments and recovery ahead of her. In particular, she has four more rounds of chemotherapy to endure; it won't be until mid-October at the earliest that Sara can hope to be done with this ordeal and resume a somewhat normal life.
During this time, Sara will not be able to maintain a normal work schedule and she has recently used up all of her paid leave, forcing her to go without pay for a time. Her employer has made concessions that will allow her to begin working reduced hours during treatment to retain some pay and medical benefits, but her finances will be severely affected. Also, because she does not have family close by - and because her St. Louis friends continue to give so much of themselves - she is concerned about the cost to arrange for family and out-of-town friends to come and stay with her during her chemo appointments, and in the days following when she is suffering the side effects of her chemotherapy most acutely.
I know that many of you - especially Sara's out-of-town friends and family - have asked me, "What can I do to help Sara?" Honestly, I think the thing that would help Sara most would be to alleviate some of these financial concerns so she can focus all of her energy on the healing process. I want to ask you to consider making a small contribution to a fund that will HELP SARA BEAT CANCER.
I have created a campaign at YouCaring allows for donations to be made directly to Sara - they take no cut from any gifts made (other than to cover transaction costs from credit card donations). Any amount you give will help. Also, you may feel free to share the campaign on Facebook.
Thank you for loving my sister, and for supporting and encouraging her in all of the ways you have.